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Tour pour tous?

for soprano, tenor, oboe, bassoon, vibraphone, marimba, and violin

libretto: J-Gro & CC Love

Duration: 4’

Year of composition: 2013

Commissioned by Fast Opera Productions (FOP)

Premiere: Brava Television/Online, Netherlands; 5 July, 2013

Major sporting events like the Tour de France receive a lot of attention worldwide. What happens when action groups want to use that attention? And how do the international media deal with that? Tour Pour Tous? is the 12th online fast opera by Fast Opera Productions (FOP).



Grote sportevenementen zoals de Tour de France krijgen wereldwijd veel aandacht. Wat gebeurt er als actiegroepen van die aandacht gebruik willen maken? En hoe gaan de internationale media daarmee om? Tour Pour Tous? is de 12e online fast opera van Fast Opera Productions (FOP).

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